About Us

2024 - 2025 Booster Club Board Members

 Please email us at cgboosters@d155.org


We're looking for more passionate and dedicated parents to take an active role in the booster club. Without your help, we will not be able to continue supporting the students and staff at CGHS. 

Don't have a ton of time to devote? Don't worry, you don't have to hold a position on the board to join in and help. We'll take whatever time you're willing and able to commit. 

Please email us at cgboosters@d155.org if you have questions. 

Board Positions


The President shall preside at all Board and General Meetings. The President shall form and/or dissolve all Temporary Committees, with the approval of the Board. The President shall appoint or remove any temporary Committee Chairperson with the approval of the Board. The President must sign, along with any Director of the Club, any contracts or other instruments, which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed by affirmative vote at a Board Meeting. The President shall present a budget by the October General Meeting of the school year with the assistance of the Treasurer and Projects Committee. Such budget must be approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. The President will maintain the Booster Binder which contains the by-laws, role descriptions, passwords, licenses and contracts. This binder will be updated yearly with information provided by each committee and board member.

Vice President 

The Vice President shall assist the President and in the absence, disability, or removal of the President, shall perform the duties of the President, acting under the restrictions and powers of the President until the end of term. The Vice-President shall be responsible for reviewing the reconciliation of the checkbook to the bank statement each month. 


The secretary shall keep the minutes of the meeting of the Club and the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall maintain a current list of all voting members of the Club, as provided by the Membership Committee. The secretary shall see that all notices are duly given according to the provisions of these By-Laws. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of one or more books, which shall contain copies of the Minutes of previous meetings and a copy of currently amended By-Laws. 


The treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Club; receive and give receipts for moneys in the name of the Club in such banks and other depositories as authorized by the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall be responsible for paying out all money as approved by the Board of Directors. At the beginning of each Club year, a new signature card must be on file at the Club's regular banking institution. The signature card will list both the current Treasurer, Vice President and President as the only authorized signers of the account. No Club check may be made payable to the signer of that check. The Treasurer may pay regularly occurring expenses for office supplies, concession stand operations and other Club operating expenses, without specific Board authorization. The Treasurer shall make a written statement of the financial status of the Club at each General Meeting, including detailed account of fundraising income, project expenses, and a detailed account of all transaction on bank accounts, as well as a year-end report at the May meeting. 

Prior approval must be obtained for any expenditure that will exceed previously approved budget. At least 2 of the 3 required Executive Board Member's must provide written, verifiable approval to exceed such amount. Checks written over the amount of $3,000 must have signatures of both the treasurer and the President or Vice President. The Treasurer is also responsible for obtaining a year end audit of the financial records of the Club by an auditor approved by the Board. The results shall be reported in writing, no later than the October Board and General Meeting of the next Club year. 

Membership Committee 

Shall have charge of all projects designed to recruit new Members as well as retain current Members 

to the Club. The Committee is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information about each registered Member and makes this roster available to the Club Secretary. 

Publicity / Communications Committee 

Shall handle all publicity for the Club. The Committee shall also be responsible for the Booster website and updating all Booster social sites. This Committee will be allowed two voting positions for purposes of Board decisions in the case of two Co-Chairpersons. 

Projects Committee 

The Committee shall consist of one voting chairperson who obtains information and details of project funding and services by evaluate all financial requests made of the Club. The Committee's recommendations will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval by majority vote. The project request must be detailed on the special projects request form. The Booster will not fund more than 50% of the project with the other portion of the funds shall be provided by the requestor. The project must benefit the students of CGHS. The Committee shall also be responsible for developing and presenting the Projects Section of the yearly budget to be presented to the Board of Directors as defined in ARTICLE 5.1.1 

Concession Committee 

Concessions shall be composed of Two Chairperson, One Inside Concessions and One Outside Concession. The Concessions chairperson(s) will cooperate with the Vice Principal and the Athletic Director, as well as each individual sport coach to provide Concession Directors for each school activity that would like to run a concession operation at their event. The responsibility of recruiting each group's concession director rests with the group itself. The Chairperson(s) will provide training and assistance to each group's Concession Director. The Chairperson(s) shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining supplies and equipment and overseeing the concession stands at the activities where concessions are provided. The Concessions Chairperson(s) shall also be in charge of running the concessions for other special events at the approval of the Board of Directors. All capital equipment expenditures must have prior authorization of the Board of Directors. 

Fundraising Committee 

The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for all events and activities that are primarily designed as fund raising activities for the Club with the exception of concessions and spirit wear. 

Spirit Wear Committee 

Shall handle all Spirit Wear for the Club. This Committee will be allowed two voting positions for purposes of Board decisions in the case of two Co-Chairpersons.